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【预告Preview】在这个时代中,产品化的终端表达THE BRANDING EXPRESSION OF PRODUCTS发布时间:2017-05-25











2017-05-05 中意设计交流中心 中意设计交流中心






5/12  15:00 - 17:00 



                3F, #258 Yangzhai Road

                Changning, Shanghai



主讲人 Lecturer


    -Mr. LK (刘恺先生)


参加方式 RSVP


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本次活动由 德必WE" 环东华智尚源睿集设计 联合主办。


This event is organized by DoBe WE" and HDHZSYRIGI.

Supported by Shanghai Design Week.

Thanks for the support of 1STONGSHE, Kaievent, MEETUGO.



我们的生活中,不论出行到社交到购物,这个世界不知 不觉改变了很多,无数的新事物新名词不停进入我们的生活,很多我们赖以习惯的事物却也不知不觉的淡出。

The world is constantly changing.
No matter in the aspect of travelling, socializing, or shopping, our life has been changed massively. Countless new things and new words have continually entered into our life, and many of the things that we were used to faded out unwittingly.



刘恺,  RIGI睿集设计创始人,原创潮牌L-HOUSE主理人,东华大学校外硕士导师。在空间、品牌、产品、视觉多个维度都有创新成功案例,其作品多次发表在interni  bob  domus 等几十家国际权威设计及生活媒体上,并获得德国IF,意大利A+,英国win 等国内外重要设计奖项。

Liu Kai, Founder of RIGI Design, Founder and Creative Director of an original fashion brand — L-HOUSE, a MA students’supervisor of Donghua University. He has many successful innovation projects in design of spaces, brands, products, and vision, his works have been published on international design and living authoritative media many times, such as interni, bob, domus, etc., and have won prizes in both domestic and international important design competitions like German IF, Italian A+, English A+, etc.




Through his attention to the current lifestyles and the spirit of the times, Liu Kai created a connection of motion and demand between design and users by the design concept of life terminal, and expressed it in his works through complete design insight. He has cooperated with ''Hot Wind'' for 8 years and upgraded the brand image three times. From dozens of stores at the first beginning to more than 1000 stores now, RIGI successfully realized the commercialization of its design concept.




Then Liu Kai will discuss with all of you on space design. Traditional space design is a simple concept extension of styles based on owner's requirements, instead of solving the needs and problems in life.





Liu Kai defines traditional commercial space, office space, or even home as life terminal, they are not just spaces for functions, but a product designed based on user's functional experience and usage scenarios combined with lifestyles and commercial modes, and they establish emotional contact between customers and goodsthrough life scenarios.




Spaces, vision, or products are not existing in a simple category, the world is multidimensional, and design is also boundless. The pursuit of design contains not only logic and technology, but also emotion and aesthetics. Based on logical analysis and combing, RIGI takes the real perception of people as the source of design, and uses emotional visual approach to combine space together in order to form a typical RIGI style. The creativity of RIGI comes from spirit of the times, business trends and lifestyle experiences. RIGI pursues the relationship of people and life, and expresses its design insight in the works.



终端是品牌的第一个产品,而不仅仅是一个销售的场地。这个产品的意义在于他承载了品牌的理念,以最快的方式通过社会角色与顾客建立直观联系, 并且经过生活场景的导入,建立顾客与商品间的情感联系。

Terminal is the brand's first product, not just a sales site.The significance of this product is that it carries the brand's concept, and sets up direct relationship with customers through social roles in the fastest way, and establishes emotional contact between customers and goods through life scenarios.


终端产品的调性在直接传导品牌的价值观和生活观的同时, 辅助其他销售型产品,展现他们的在不同社会场景中的使用价值。

The identity of the terminal product is to assist other sales products by showing their use value in different social scenes while directly conducting the brand and life value.




Design is not just a top-down concept extension, or a simple style expression, or even the so-called piles of functions, but is a real solution to the needs and problems in life.