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【现场Review】故事营销 STORYTELLING FOR SALES发布时间:2017-04-19

4月5日,德必WE"携手OURS~邀请到专业演讲培训师、TEDx 演讲者Larry Schuster先生亲临德必外滩WE",再次为我们带来“市场营销”讲座。

On the night of April 5th, at the invitation of DOBE WE" and OURS~,  Mr. Larry Schuster,  professional speaking coach and TEDx speaker,  had come to DoBe WE"@Bund to give a lecture about how to use storytelling for sales.



Larry's lecture started from giving the wonderful examples to explain how the Stories of success, new lessons and even failure of your product, service, your organization or customer service can serve as powerful selling tools. Yes, even yours most painful failure can be a priceless story on the path to wisdom and success.



接着,Larry 先生以发问的方式向到场观众了解一般学习故事营销需要花费多长时间。并给出他的观点:讲故事是一项技能,但并非所有人都擅长讲故事。讲好一个故事作为技能可以通过实践操练得以提高。通过讲故事的方式去说服对方,这还是一种习惯。这种习惯的养成至少需要一年的时间。在这一小时的讨论会中,他还进一步教授了如何将表达的艺术运用于实际,处理具体问题,为你的事业和生活增光添彩。
Then, Larry has asked the audiences about how much time it takes to learn storytelling. Telling a story is a skill and not everyone is good at it. But skill is something that can develop with practice. For example, for Larry, to tell stories is also a habit and as a habit it takes almost one year to get into.
During this one-hour workshop we also learned more marketing tips with a smart practice of stories. We can use these tips at our specific marketing challenges in our business or life.





感谢高端餐饮公司Daily Needs为本次活动提供意大利美酒。

A special thanks goes to Daily Needs, high quality F&B products importer company, for their wonderful Italian wine.









Wechat ID:13764669268

Email: larryschuster_shanghai@yahoo.com